C&T Litech Co., Ltd

Industry News

Whats is Access Control?
In physical security, the term access control refers to the practice of restricting entrance to a property, a building, or a room to authorized persons.... View More>>
What is Standalone Access Controller Systems?
The Standalone Access Controller Systems cannot communicate with the computer, and the access control settings permission is set on the keyboard or the mother card of the machine. There is also some access control stand alone single door system machines t... View More>>
How does an Access Control System Operate?
When a credential (card, fob, fingerprint, etc.) is presented to a reader, the reader sends the credential’s information, usually a number, to a control panel / processor. The control panel compares the credential's number to an access control list, grant... View More>>
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Contact Us

    Name: Tim Li

    Tel: 19379304599

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Skype: ctlitech01

    Add: Suite A1, 12/F., Ritz Plaza, 122 Austin Road TST., Kowloon. Hong Kong